How do we work
In design sessions we discover the endless possibilities the cloud has to offer for certain business questions. We make sure the design aligns with requirements as availability, scalability and modern application design.
The new designed solution is done and ready for testing. In this testing phase we will cover subjects like security, scalability, disaster recovery and more.
In the build phase we can build the solution or help your internal teams build the new solution, with guidance, clear project insights and sprint goals.
After testing the new solution is ready to go in production and to boost your business in every way possible. We can manage the solution for you, or we can train your internal teams to take over maintenance.

Security Scan
Are you in doubt if your current environment or solution is secure? Can it withstand DDOS attacks, hacking attempts or ransomware attacks?
We can perform a full security scan on your current cloud environment and come up with a comprehensive report to give you all these insights.
Are improvements needed or required? We can of course assist you with implementing these.
Marcel (GGD-GHOR)
Met veel plezier heb ik met Dennis samengewerkt in een bedrijfskritisch project dat onder hoge druk van tijd en kwaliteit uitgevoerd moest worden. Dennis was met zijn wendbaarheid, flexibiliteit, proactiviteit en zijn prettige communicatie een geweldige aanwinst voor ons project. Met zijn grote hoeveelheid kennis en zijn analytisch vermogen zet Dennis informatie snel om naar heldere en concrete (ontwikkel)acties, hetgeen grote toegevoegde waarde had gedurende het gehele project en in grote mate heeft bijgedragen aan het behaalde succesvolle resultaat! Dennis is gedreven en zeer klantgericht!
Aron (Schuberg Philis)
He has broad knowledge and a lot of experience; Cloud Design, Cloud Security and DevOps suit him well. Dennis has gained a lot of knowledge within modern cloud environments and knows the best practices within his field. Dennis is an advocate of automation and "infrastructure as code".
Happy people